Tohka Yatogami (夜刀神 十香 Yatogami Tōka?) is one of the main female characters of the Date A Live series. She is also the first Spirit saved by Shido.
When Tohka first appeared on Earth, on the 10th of April, she came under attack by the AST. That was also the same day Shido encountered
Tohka and later discovered the real reason behind the spacequakes. The
next time Tohka encountered Shido, she was again under attack by the
AST. During Tohka and Shido's short conversation on their second
encounter, Shido gave Tohka her name. During their third encounter in
which they went out on a date, Tohka and Shido established a bond, as
the boy explained to the Spirit that not all humans were like the AST
who are out to kill her. It was during this time, after their date got
interrupted by the AST, that Tohka had her powers sealed by kissing
Shido for the first time.
After her powers were sealed, Tohka' mental state is still
unstable and could go off at any moment, mainly due to her emotions
which she didn't understand or know how to deal with. But, thanks to
some consultation from Reine
and some reassuring words from Shido, Tohka was able to better control
her feelings of jealousy regarding Shido. After being sealed, Tohka
started attending the same school, grade, and class as Shido thanks to
the help of Ratatoskr. She made friends while at school, but at the same time, she still sees Origami
as an enemy (in many ways), who was also at the same school and
classroom as Shido and her. Tohka is currently living in an apartment
complex made by Ratatoskr for Spirits beside the Itsuka residence where Shido lives.
Tohka was later captured by DEM at the end of Miku Lily. During the events of Miku Truth, when Shido came to rescue Tohka and was about to be killed by Ellen, Tohka became filled with such despair and transformed, attacking everyone in sight, including Shido. Westcott
named her transformation the "Demon King," adding that this state was
the actual form in which Spirits took on in the bordering dimension they
had come from before manifesting in this world. Luckily, Tohka did not
stay in her dark transformed state for long, as she was brought back to
her senses with a kiss from Shido and saved once again.
Later on during the events of Tobiichi Angel,
Tohka and the other sealed Spirits were attacked by Origami on their
way to the underground shelter. Tohka was left with having a complex
feeling on whether to kill Origami or just knocks her out and listen to
her during the battle. She realized that her hatred and hostility
towards Origami is somewhat different from the first time she met her;
as she didn't have the murderous intent to kill Origami. With that
thought swirling in her mind, Origami took this chance to strike an
attack at her that cuts apart her Astral Dress.
Regaining her consciousness, she found that her friend's bodies
are covered with wounds that resulted from the fierce battle between
Origami while she was unconscious. Tohka desired for a power bigger than
the the one she had after being enraged by the thoughts of being unable
to save her friends. Fortunately for her, she instinctively realized
beforehand that she was succumbing to the dark power inside her and it
wouldn't give her the power she needed. She then chose to stay as
herself and take back the entirety of her sealed power from Shido to
face Origami.
After exchanging conversations with her, they began crossing
blades with each other. She took the chance while Origami was
experiencing a violent headache to nearly knocked her out by performing a
side sweep with <Sandalphon>. This however, doesn't last until
Origami gains the power of a spirit through Phantom
and manage to have a fair fight with her. It also resulted them to
battle more furiously that could cost both of their lives. Fortunately,
the battle was forced to stop with Shido interfering in the midst of it,
resulting in Origami