Yoshino (四糸乃 Yoshino?) is the second Spirit saved by Shido and the kindest spirit so far in the series.
When Yoshino first appeared in the series, it was also when she first encountered Shido.
To Shido, Yoshino appeared to be a lost child wandering around in the
rain. The next time they met, Yoshino fell under attack from the AST and
ran away. During the third time, Shido made the decision to save
Yoshino from herself and from the AST. This was because he discovered
that Yoshino was an extremely kind child that didn't want to hurt even
the people who were attacking her.
After having most of her power sealed by Shido, Yoshino started living in one of <Ratatoskr>'s living quarters on Fraxinus
temporarily before she moved down to the apartment complex next to
Shido's home. Yoshino is currently practicing, with the help from
<Ratatoskr>, how to speak for herself, or to be more precise, how
to speak without the aid of Yoshinon.